Foreign Buyers List
(国外买家名录) Foreign Buyers List (国外买家名录)

Golden Bridge International, Inc -

Golden Bridge International, Inc is a foreign buyer from United States, need to purchase products of Medicine / Health / Beauty etc. categories.

Enterprise Information (企业资料):

  • Company Name (公司名称):
Golden Bridge International, Inc
  • Country / Area (国家/地区):
United States (美国)
  • Introduction (简要介绍):
Golden Bridge International is specialized in bio-medical reagents, antibodies, lab equipment. GBI has been exporting its products to Hong Kong, Mainland China, Taiwan, Japan, Italy for almost ten years. GBI is interested in importing the raw materials of antibodies, chemical reagents, lab equipment from China.
  • Employee (雇员人数):
  • Category (采购产品类别):
Medicine / Health / Beauty (医药保健) etc.
Contact Method(联系方式)
  • Contact Person (联系人):
MR.Richard Zhang
  • Address (详细地址):
19011 36th Ave. West, Suite G
  • Postcode (邮政编码):
  • Telephone (电话号码):
001 626 8100688/425 6723227
  • Fax (传真号码):
001 626 8100399/425 6722027
  • Email (电子邮件):
  • Website (网站网址): 

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