Foreign Buyers List
(国外买家名录) Foreign Buyers List (国外买家名录)


This is the country category of Foreign Buyer List. Click country name to browse the detail information. 这是本站买家国家目录,点击国家名称浏览详细信息。

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Main Countries

from Foreign Purchaser (385,225 Buyers):

  1. Australia (澳大利亚) - 7,582 Buyers
  2. Austria (奥地利) - 1,592 Buyers
  3. Bangladesh (孟加拉国) - 1,311 Buyers
  4. Belgium (比利时) - 7,010 Buyers
  5. Canada (加拿大) - 14,621 Buyers
  6. Denmark (丹麦) - 4,013 Buyers
  7. Finland (芬兰) - 2,334 Buyers
  8. France (法国) - 24,736 Buyers
  9. Germany (德国) - 12,529 Buyers
  10. Greece (希腊) - 1,113 Buyers
  11. Hong Kong (香港) - 28,320 Buyers
  12. India (印度) - 8,538 Buyers
  13. Indonesia (印度尼西亚) - 3,754 Buyers
  14. Iran (伊朗) - 1,418 Buyers
  15. Ireland (爱尔兰) - 2,861 Buyers
  16. Italy (意大利) - 10,957 Buyers
  17. Japan (日本) - 72,213 Buyers
  18. Korea Rep. (韩国) - 11,681 Buyers
  19. Lebanon (黎巴嫩) - 934 Buyers
  20. Macau (澳门) - 302 Buyers
  21. Malaysia (马来西亚) - 5,050 Buyers
  22. Nigeria (尼日利亚) - 2,335 Buyers
  23. Netherlands (荷兰) - 9,045 Buyers
  24. New Zealand (新西兰) - 1,337 Buyers
  25. Pakistan (巴基斯坦) - 2,130 Buyers
  26. Russia (俄罗斯) - 2,833 Buyers
  27. Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯) - 1,781 Buyers
  28. Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡) - 1,178 Buyers
  29. Singapore (新加坡) - 6,556 Buyers
  30. Spain (西班牙) - 5,776 Buyers
  31. Sweden (瑞典) - 4,626 Buyers
  32. Taiwan (台湾) - 26,950 Buyers
  33. Thailand (泰国) - 3,005 Buyers
  34. Turkey (土耳其) - 2,660 Buyers
  35. United Arab Emirates (阿拉伯联合酋长国) - 3,178 Buyers
  36. United Kingdom (英国) - 18,778 Buyers
  37. United States (美国) - 70,602 Buyers

More Countries

from Foreign Purchaser Plus (33,010 Buyers):

  1. Afghanistan (阿富汗) - 45 Buyers
  2. Albania (阿尔巴尼亚) - 30 Buyers
  3. Algeria (阿尔及利亚) - 373 Buyers
  4. Andorra (安道尔) - 4 Buyers
  5. Angora (安哥拉) - 39 Buyers
  6. Antigua & Barbuda (安提瓜和巴布达) - 3 Buyers
  7. Argentina (阿根廷) - 200 Buyers
  8. Armenia (亚美尼亚) - 9 Buyers
  9. Aruba (阿鲁巴) - 9 Buyers
  10. Asia (亚洲) - 26 Buyers
  11. Azerbaijan (阿塞拜疆) - 20 Buyers
  12. Bahamas (巴哈马) - 153 Buyers
  13. Bahrain (巴林) - 131 Buyers
  14. Barbados (巴巴多斯) - 8 Buyers
  15. Belize (伯利兹) - 8 Buyers
  16. Benin (贝宁) - 48 Buyers
  17. Bhutan (不丹) - 6 Buyers
  18. Bolivia (玻利维亚) - 52 Buyers
  19. Botswana (博茨瓦纳) - 14 Buyers
  20. Br. Virgin Is (英属维尔京群岛) - 1 Buyers
  21. Brazil (巴西) - 378 Buyers
  22. Brunei (文莱) - 73 Buyers
  23. Bulgaria (保加利亚) - 132 Buyers
  24. Burkina Faso (布基那法索) - 4 Buyers
  25. Burundi (布隆迪) - 6 Buyers
  26. Cambodia (柬埔寨) - 222 Buyers
  27. Cameroon (喀麦隆) - 41 Buyers
  28. Canary Is (加那利群岛) - 1 Buyers
  29. Cape Verde (佛得角) - 6 Buyers
  30. Cayman Is (开曼群岛) - 1 Buyers
  31. Central African Rep. (中非共和国) - 1 Buyers
  32. Chile (智利) - 554 Buyers
  33. China (中国) - 19 Buyers
  34. Colombia (哥伦比亚) - 328 Buyers
  35. Comoros (科摩罗) - 2 Buyers
  36. Congo (刚果) - 23 Buyers
  37. Cook Is (库克群岛) - 1 Buyers
  38. Costa Rica (哥斯达黎加) - 92 Buyers
  39. Cote d‘lvoir (科特迪瓦) - 62 Buyers
  40. Countries(reg.) unknown (未知国家或地区) - 695 Buyers
  41. Croatia Rep (克罗地亚共和国) - 96 Buyers
  42. Cuba (古巴) - 36 Buyers
  43. Curacao (库拉索岛) - 1 Buyers
  44. Cyprus (塞浦路斯) - 244 Buyers
  45. Czech Rep (捷克共和国) - 586 Buyers
  46. Djibouti (吉布提) - 57 Buyers
  47. Dominica (多米尼加) - 34 Buyers
  48. Dominican Rep. (多米尼加共和国) - 23 Buyers
  49. Ecuador (厄瓜多尔) - 143 Buyers
  50. Egypt (埃及) - 2,699 Buyers
  51. El Salvador (萨尔瓦多) - 30 Buyers
  52. Eq.Guinea (赤道几内亚) - 2 Buyers
  53. Eritrea (厄立特里亚) - 17 Buyers
  54. Estonia (爱沙尼亚) - 161 Buyers
  55. Ethiopia (埃塞俄比亚) - 189 Buyers
  56. Europe (欧洲) - 2 Buyers
  57. Fiji (斐济) - 43 Buyers
  58. French Guyana (法属圭亚那) - 1 Buyers
  59. Gabon (加蓬) - 37 Buyers
  60. Gambia (冈比亚) - 6 Buyers
  61. Georgia (格鲁吉亚) - 6 Buyers
  62. Ghana (加纳) - 285 Buyers
  63. Gibraltar (直布罗陀) - 3 Buyers
  64. Guadeloupe (瓜德罗普岛) - 1 Buyers
  65. Guatemala (危地马拉) - 47 Buyers
  66. Guinea (几内亚) - 22 Buyers
  67. Guinea Bissau (几内亚比绍) - 3 Buyers
  68. Guyana (圭亚那) - 8 Buyers
  69. Haiti (海地) - 2 Buyers
  70. Honduras (洪都拉斯) - 39 Buyers
  71. Hungary (匈牙利) - 207 Buyers
  72. Iceland (冰岛) - 47 Buyers
  73. Iraq (伊拉克) - 67 Buyers
  74. Israel (以色列) - 2,703 Buyers
  75. Jamaica (牙买加) - 75 Buyers
  76. Jordan (约旦) - 503 Buyers
  77. Kazakhstan (哈萨克斯坦) - 83 Buyers
  78. Kenya (肯尼亚) - 126 Buyers
  79. Kirghizia (吉尔吉斯) - 10 Buyers
  80. Kiribati (基里巴斯) - 3 Buyers
  81. Kuwait (科威特) - 698 Buyers
  82. Laos,PDR (老挝人民民主共和国) - 12 Buyers
  83. Latin America (拉丁美洲) - 2 Buyers
  84. Latvia (拉脱维亚) - 112 Buyers
  85. Lesotho (莱索托) - 1 Buyers
  86. Liberia (利比里亚) - 5 Buyers
  87. Libyan Arab Jm (利比亚) - 153 Buyers
  88. Liechtenstein (列支敦士登) - 6 Buyers
  89. Lithuania (立陶宛) - 83 Buyers
  90. Luxembourg (卢森堡) - 41 Buyers
  91. Macedonia Rep (马其顿共和国) - 15 Buyers
  92. Madagascar (马达加斯加) - 47 Buyers
  93. Malaw (马拉维) - 5 Buyers
  94. Maldives (马尔代夫) - 17 Buyers
  95. Mali (马里) - 37 Buyers
  96. Malta (马耳他) - 38 Buyers
  97. Mauritania (毛里塔尼亚) - 10 Buyers
  98. Mauritius (毛里求斯) - 152 Buyers
  99. Mexico (墨西哥) - 541 Buyers
  100. Micronesia Fs (密克罗尼西亚联邦) - 2 Buyers
  101. Moldavia (摩尔多瓦) - 13 Buyers
  102. Monaco (摩纳哥) - 13 Buyers
  103. Mongolia (蒙古) - 38 Buyers
  104. Morocco (摩洛哥) - 658 Buyers
  105. Mozambique (莫桑比克) - 38 Buyers
  106. Myanmar (缅甸) - 178 Buyers
  107. Namibia (纳米比亚) - 4 Buyers
  108. Nepal (尼泊尔) - 499 Buyers
  109. New Caledonia (新喀里多尼亚) - 6 Buyers
  110. Nicaragua (尼加拉瓜) - 14 Buyers
  111. Niger (尼日尔) - 3 Buyers
  112. North America (北美洲) - 4 Buyers
  113. Norway (挪威) - 2,926 Buyers
  114. Oman (阿曼) - 96 Buyers
  115. Oth. Asia nes (其他亚洲国家或地区) - 4 Buyers
  116. Oth. N.Amer. nes (其他北美洲国家或地区) - 1 Buyers
  117. Palau (帕劳) - 1 Buyers
  118. Palestine (巴勒斯坦) - 205 Buyers
  119. Panama (巴拿马) - 762 Buyers
  120. Papua New Guinea (巴布亚新几内亚) - 50 Buyers
  121. Paraguay (巴拉圭) - 80 Buyers
  122. Peru (秘鲁) - 273 Buyers
  123. Philippines (菲律宾) - 1,829 Buyers
  124. Poland (波兰) - 557 Buyers
  125. Portugal (葡萄牙) - 503 Buyers
  126. Puerto Rico (波多黎各) - 48 Buyers
  127. Qatar (卡塔尔) - 85 Buyers
  128. Republic of Yemen (也门共和国) - 291 Buyers
  129. Reunion (留尼旺岛) - 17 Buyers
  130. Romania (罗马尼亚) - 119 Buyers
  131. Rwanda (卢旺达) - 4 Buyers
  132. S.Africa (南非) - 554 Buyers
  133. Saint Lucia (圣卢西亚) - 5 Buyers
  134. Samoa (萨摩亚) - 2 Buyers
  135. San Marino (圣马力诺) - 8 Buyers
  136. Senega (塞内加) - 38 Buyers
  137. Seychelles (塞舌尔) - 24 Buyers
  138. Sierra Leone (塞拉利昂) - 11 Buyers
  139. Slovakia (斯洛伐克) - 40 Buyers
  140. Slovenia (斯洛文尼亚) - 74 Buyers
  141. Solomon Is (所罗门群岛) - 2 Buyers
  142. Somalia (索马里) - 11 Buyers
  143. South Korea (韩国) - 1 Buyers
  144. Sudan (苏丹) - 126 Buyers
  145. Suriname (苏里南) - 27 Buyers
  146. Swaziland (斯威士兰) - 1 Buyers
  147. Switzerland (瑞士) - 184 Buyers
  148. Syrian (叙利亚) - 869 Buyers
  149. Tadzhikistan (塔吉克斯坦) - 1 Buyers
  150. Tanzania (坦桑尼亚) - 64 Buyers
  151. Togo (多哥) - 41 Buyers
  152. Tonga (汤加) - 3 Buyers
  153. Trinidad & Tobago (特立尼达和多巴哥) - 54 Buyers
  154. Tunisia (突尼斯) - 216 Buyers
  155. Turkmenistan (土库曼斯坦) - 2 Buyers
  156. Turks & Caicos Is (特克斯和凯科斯群岛) - 2 Buyers
  157. UN and other interationa (联合国和其他国际组织) - 11 Buyers
  158. Uganda (乌干达) - 75 Buyers
  159. Ukraine (乌克兰) - 207 Buyers
  160. Uruguay (乌拉圭) - 119 Buyers
  161. Uzbekstan (乌兹别克斯坦) - 95 Buyers
  162. Vanuatu (瓦努阿图) - 6 Buyers
  163. Venezuela (委内瑞拉) - 156 Buyers
  164. Vietnam (越南) - 369 Buyers
  165. Yugoslavia FR (南斯拉夫联邦共和国) - 5 Buyers
  166. Zambia (赞比亚) - 37 Buyers
  167. Zimbabwe (津巴布韦) - 34 Buyers

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