Foreign Buyers List
(国外买家名录) Foreign Buyers List (国外买家名录)


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We Provide Loans,BG,SBLC,MTN,POF,LC,Project Funding


Our investing bank assist prospective clients, individuals, enterprenuers, companies,partnership, organizations and multinational corporations in achieving and realizing their business financial requirement. We offer project finance and business loans to companies and individuals worldwide with viable business project/proposal on considerable terms. We welcome your inquiries at any time regarding any financial solutions you, your colleagues, or clients may seek, as we have many opportunities that can exceed your expectations in all of the areas we represent. All submitted project inquires shall be evaluating and approved by the investing banks within the stipulated time as informed :

[1] Business Partnering and Joint Venture Offers.

[2] Unsecured loans, Commercial loans

[3]Worldwide project financing

[4] Equity Loan Financing

[5] Personal Financing

[6] Issuance and discounting of all banking/investment instruments

Maduro & Curiel's Bank is an investment oriented bank desirous to invest money in the areas of agriculture, Real estates, Construction Undertakers, etc. We invest in any company with potentials for rapid growth and whose byelaws allow for foreign direct investments. We fund viable projects, and also invest in any viable, lucrative and profitable business. However, we insist that the host country must be politically stable, have good tax/fiscal policy, dependable investment infrastructure, hospitable people and above all, must be a democratic society.

Contact us for further information on our loan programs:

Mr. Edward G. Logeman Maduro & Curiel's Bank NV (17 branches) Plaza Jojo Correa 2 - 4 PO Box 305 Curaçao E-mail: Tele: +44-07024031664/+44-7511245007 Fax: 0865903268/0866139613 .................................................................................................................................................................................... Note: This e-mail message and any attachments are confidential, intended only for the named recipient(s) above and may contain CONFIDENTIAL information that is privileged, attorney work product or exempt from disclosure under applicable law. If you have received this message in error, or are not the named recipient(s), please immediately notify the sender by e-mail and delete this e-mail message together with any attachments from your computer. ...................................................................................

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