Foreign Buyers List
(国外买家名录) Foreign Buyers List (国外买家名录)

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Foreign Buyers List (国外买家名录)

There are more than 409,000 foreign purchasers from 20 industries and 200+ countries here.


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Industry Index

  1. Ceramics (陶瓷) - 6,270 Buyers
  2. Construction Industry (建材行业) - 32,513 Buyers
  3. Consumer Electronics (家用电器) - 49,447 Buyers
  4. Crafts / Gifts (礼品、工艺品) - 1,696 Buyers
  5. Daily Use (日用品) - 5,866 Buyers
  6. Electronics / Electrical (电子电工) - 1,828 Buyers
  7. Food / Beverage (食品饮料) - 58,296 Buyers
  8. Garments / Apparels (服装、服饰) - 367 Buyers
  9. Garments / Leathers (纺织、皮革、羽绒) - 41,641 Buyers
  10. Industrial Supplies (机械及工业制品) - 66,987 Buyers
  11. Jewellery / Ornaments (珠宝首饰) - 6,532 Buyers
  12. Medicine / Health / Beauty (医药保健) - 8,059 Buyers
  13. Mineral / Chemicals (矿产化工) - 55,135 Buyers
  14. Native Products (土畜) - 13,603 Buyers
  15. Others (综合) - 7,646 Buyers
  16. Office Supplies (办公文教) - 10,943 Buyers
  17. Sporting Good / Casual Goods (体育休闲) - 590 Buyers
  18. Suitcases / Leather (箱包皮具) - 2,423 Buyers
  19. Telecommunications (通讯产品) - 911 Buyers
  20. Toy (玩具) - 7,713 Buyers

Country Index

1. Australia (澳大利亚) - 7,582 Buyers
2. Austria (奥地利) - 1,592 Buyers
3. Bangladesh (孟加拉国) - 1,311 Buyers
4. Belgium (比利时) - 7,010 Buyers
5. Canada (加拿大) - 14,621 Buyers
6. Denmark (丹麦) - 4,013 Buyers
7. Finland (芬兰) - 2,334 Buyers
8. France (法国) - 24,736 Buyers
9. Germany (德国) - 12,529 Buyers
10. Greece (希腊) - 1,113 Buyers
11. Hong Kong (香港) - 28,320 Buyers
12. India (印度) - 8,538 Buyers
13. Indonesia (印度尼西亚) - 3,754 Buyers
14. Iran (伊朗) - 1,418 Buyers
15. Ireland (爱尔兰) - 2,861 Buyers
16. Italy (意大利) - 10,957 Buyers
17. Japan (日本) - 72,213 Buyers
18. Korea Rep. (韩国) - 11,681 Buyers
19. Lebanon (黎巴嫩) - 934 Buyers
20. Macau (澳门) - 302 Buyers
21. Malaysia (马来西亚) - 5,050 Buyers
22. Nigeria (尼日利亚) - 2,335 Buyers
23. Netherlands (荷兰) - 9,045 Buyers
24. New Zealand (新西兰) - 1,337 Buyers
25. Pakistan (巴基斯坦) - 2,130 Buyers
26. Russia (俄罗斯) - 2,833 Buyers
27. Saudi Arabia (沙特阿拉伯) - 1,781 Buyers
28. Sri Lanka (斯里兰卡) - 1,178 Buyers
29. Singapore (新加坡) - 6,556 Buyers
30. Spain (西班牙) - 5,776 Buyers
31. Sweden (瑞典) - 4,626 Buyers
32. Taiwan (台湾) - 26,950 Buyers
33. Thailand (泰国) - 3,005 Buyers
34. Turkey (土耳其) - 2,660 Buyers
35. United Arab Emirates (阿拉伯联合酋长国) - 3,178 Buyers
36. United Kingdom (英国) - 18,778 Buyers
37. United States (美国) - 70,602 Buyers

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