- 主铭有限公司 is a foreign buyer from Hong Kong, need to purchase products of suitcases / leather etc. categories.
- (该公司是一家来自香港的买家,需要购买的产品类别包括:箱包皮具等行业。)
Enterprise Information (企业资料):
- Company Name (公司名称):
- 主铭有限公司
- Country / Area (国家/地区):
- Introduction (简要介绍):
- We are international purchaser of Bag & Leather Case products for long time.
- Employee (雇员人数):
- 25
- Category (采购产品类别):
Contact Method(联系方式)
- Contact Person (联系人):
- 何炜杰先生
- Address (详细地址):
- 香港九龙红? 鹤园东街4号 恒艺珠宝大厦7字楼13室
- Postcode (邮政编码):
- N.A.
- Telephone (电话号码):
- 00852 23338103
- Fax (传真号码):
- 00852 23341094
- Email (电子邮件):
- N.A.
- Website (网站网址):
- N.A.
Country Industry(各地分类)
suitcases / leather Category(箱包皮具分类):
- Australia suitcases / leather(澳大利亚箱包皮具)
- Austria suitcases / leather(奥地利箱包皮具)
- Bangladesh suitcases / leather(孟加拉国箱包皮具)
- Belgium suitcases / leather(比利时箱包皮具)
- Canada suitcases / leather(加拿大箱包皮具)
- Denmark suitcases / leather(丹麦箱包皮具)
- Finland suitcases / leather(芬兰箱包皮具)
- France suitcases / leather(法国箱包皮具)
- Germany suitcases / leather(德国箱包皮具)
- Greece suitcases / leather(希腊箱包皮具)
- Hong Kong suitcases / leather(香港箱包皮具)
- India suitcases / leather(印度箱包皮具)
- Indonesia suitcases / leather(印度尼西亚箱包皮具)
- Iran suitcases / leather(伊朗箱包皮具)
- Ireland suitcases / leather(爱尔兰箱包皮具)
- Italy suitcases / leather(意大利箱包皮具)
- Japan suitcases / leather(日本箱包皮具)
- Korea Rep. suitcases / leather(韩国箱包皮具)
- Lebanon suitcases / leather(黎巴嫩箱包皮具)
Country Industry(各地分类)
suitcases / leather Category(箱包皮具分类):
- Macau suitcases / leather(澳门箱包皮具)
- Malaysia suitcases / leather(马来西亚箱包皮具)
- Nigeria suitcases / leather(尼日利亚箱包皮具)
- Netherlands suitcases / leather(荷兰箱包皮具)
- New Zealand suitcases / leather(新西兰箱包皮具)
- Pakistan suitcases / leather(巴基斯坦箱包皮具)
- Russia suitcases / leather(俄罗斯箱包皮具)
- Saudi Arabia suitcases / leather(沙特阿拉伯箱包皮具)
- Sri Lanka suitcases / leather(斯里兰卡箱包皮具)
- Singapore suitcases / leather(新加坡箱包皮具)
- Spain suitcases / leather(西班牙箱包皮具)
- Sweden suitcases / leather(瑞典箱包皮具)
- Taiwan suitcases / leather(台湾箱包皮具)
- Thailand suitcases / leather(泰国箱包皮具)
- Turkey suitcases / leather(土耳其箱包皮具)
- United Arab Emirates suitcases / leather(阿联酋箱包皮具)
- United Kingdom suitcases / leather(英国箱包皮具)
- United States suitcases / leather(美国箱包皮具)